Then let’s talk about the presentation of this game. In terms of the visual quality, the game is sub-par.
The sprites for this title have clearly been lifted from other existing titles and its jarring against other assets that we can only assume were also borrowed from elsewhere. Then where sound quality is concerned, this game steals assets from other games too. The Empty Tome theme from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night being a prime example of this. The presentation of this game just feels dirty and cheap and for that reason, it’s hard to enjoy. This game also makes use of existing Sonic games such as Sonic Heroes to piece together voice clips where it can. Then where it can’t, you’ll simply be treated to text boxes. Partial voiceovers accompanied by text boxes can be done well. Just look at Persona 5 as an example of this. However, this is an example that proves that laziness doesn’t equal a successful game and this title suffers due to this consistent attempt to cut corners. The only thing that we can say in praise of this title is that although the gameplay isn’t what it should be, it is playable. #HOW TO DOWNLOAD PROJECT X LOVE POTION DISASTER SERIES#.